
33 Minutes - Aladdin - Hasak - Lowy, Todd, De Hasak-lowy, Todd. Editorial Simon & Schuster En Inglés, 2017

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  • Año de publicación: 2017
  • ISBN: 09781481489959.
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33 MINUTES - Aladdin - HASAK - LOWY, Todd
Hasak-Lowy, Todd
Editorial del libro
Simon & Schuster
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33 Minutes - Aladdin - Hasak - Lowy, Todd, De Hasak-lowy, Todd. Editorial Simon & Schuster, 2017, en inglés.

Will Sam's best friend turn out to be a bully? He's about to find out in this strong and refreshingly straightforward School Library Journal MAX novel.

Sam Lewis is going to get his butt kicked in exactly thirty-three minutes. He knows this because yesterday his former best friend Morgan Sturtz told him to his face, and with three witnesses nearby, "I am totally going to kick your butt tomorrow at recess."

All that's standing between Sam and this unfortunate confrontation is the last few minutes of social studies and his lunch period. But how did Sam and Morgan end up here? How did this happen just a few months after TAMADE (The Absolutely Most Amazing Day Ever), when they became the greatest Alien Wars video game team in the history of the game? And once the clock ticks down, will Morgan actually act on his threat?

Told with equal parts humor and emotional truth, 33 Minutes shows how even the best of friendships can change.

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