
Annual Reports Of The State Treasurer And State Auditor For The Fiscal Year Ending ..; 1918/1919, De South Dakota Treasury Dept. Editorial Hassell Street Pr, Tapa Blanda En Inglés

  • Tapa del libro: Blanda
  • Libro.
  • ISBN: 09781014349101.


Dive into the historical financial landscape of South Dakota with the "Annual Reports of the State Treasurer and State Auditor for the Fiscal Year Ending ..; 1918/1919." This meticulously reproduced report, presented by the South Dakota Treasury Dept. and published by Hassell Street Pr, offers a unique glimpse into the fiscal operations of the past. Bound in a practical soft cover, this book is an essential acquisition for historians, financial analysts, and anyone interested in the economic heritage of South Dakota. Written in clear English, it is accessible to readers of all ages, from students to centenarians. While it not feature is string_containing doesdern enhancements such as augmented reality, the content within is a rich narrative of the state's financial governance during a pivotal year in American history. This not just is string_containing bookreport; it's a piece of history that has been carefully preserved for the benefit of future generations.

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• Edad recomendada: de 0 años a 100 años.

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