
Blue Bloods 1 - Little Brown - De La Cruz, Melissa, De De La Cruz Melissa. Editorial Hachette Uk / Little Brown En Inglés, 2007

Lo que tenés que saber de este producto

  • Año de publicación: 2007
  • Género: Libros de texto.
  • ISBN: 09781905654741.
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BLUE BLOODS 1 - Little Brown - De La Cruz, Melissa
De La Cruz Melissa
Editorial del libro
HACHETTE UK / Little Brown
Año de publicación

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THEY'RE YOUNG, FABULOUS, AND FANGED. And they rule Manhattan from the trendy uptown clubs to the downtown boutiques. Fifteen-year-old Schuyler Van Alen has never quite fit in at her exclusive prep school; she's more of a vintage than a Versace girl, but all that's about to change. Because Schuyler has just found out she's a Blue Blood. The Blue Bloods are the city's glamorous and secret vampire elite. They're young, beautiful, and powerful. But now they're being targeted. And Schuyler must find out who—or what—is behind it before she's next.

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