
Character And Causation: Hume's Philosophy Of Action, De Sandis, Stantine. Editorial Routledge, Tapa Dura En Inglés

  • Tapa del libro: Dura
  • Libro.
  • ISBN: 09781138283787.


Explore the depths of human action and motivation through the lens of one of philosophy's greatest minds with "Character and Causation: Hume's Philosophy of Action" by Constantine Sandis. Published by the prestigious academic press ROUTLEDGE, this hardcover edition is a testament to the enduring relevance of Hume's insights. Written in clear, accessible English, Sandis's work invites both the seasoned scholar and the curious novice to delve into the complexities of causation and character. With no age barriers, this book is suitable for anyone from the most earnest student to the centenarian philosopher. Although it not include is string_containing doesgmented reality features, the real magic lies within its pages, where the narrative of Hume's philosophy comes to life. This book is an essential addition to any library, providing a comprehensive understanding of action within the framework of Humean philosophy.

Aviso legal
• Edad recomendada: de 0 años a 100 años.

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