
Code Of Federal Regulations Title 12, Volume 4, January 1, 2016, De Office Of The Federal Register. Editorial Regulations Press, Tapa Blanda En Inglés

Lo que tenés que saber de este producto

  • Tapa del libro: Blanda
  • Libro.
  • ISBN: 09781354242049.
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Características del producto

Características principales

Título del libro
Code of Federal Regulations Title 12, Volume 4, January 1, 2016
Office of the Federal Register
Editorial del libro
Regulations Press
Tapa del libro

Otras características

Con realidad aumentada
Tipo de narración
Edad mínima recomendada
0 años
Edad máxima recomendada
100 años


Dive into the comprehensive world of financial regulations with the "Code of Federal Regulations Title 12, Volume 4, January 1, 2016," meticulously compiled by the Office of the Federal Register. This essential volume, published by Regulations Press, is presented in a user-friendly softcover format, making it both portable and accessible. Written in clear English, it is designed to be an invaluable resource for professionals, students, and any individual interested in the intricacies of federal banking laws and regulations. Regardless of age, from the young scholar to the seasoned expert, this book is an ageless reference with a recommended age range from 0 to 100 years. It is a traditional text-based resource, ensuring focused and uninterrupted reading without the distractions of augmented reality features. Whether you're in academia, the legal profession, or the finance industry, this book is a crucial tool for understanding the legal framework that governs the financial sector.

Aviso legal
• Edad recomendada: de 0 años a 100 años.

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