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Insight Elementary 2 Ed - Students Book + Online Practice

  • Año de publicación: 2022
  • Con índice: Sí
  • Volumen del libro: 1
  • Tapa del libro: Blanda
  • Género: Escolar.
  • Subgénero: 9.780194264624E12.
  • Manual.
  • Número de páginas: 0.
  • Dimensiones: 20.6 cm de ancho x 29.22 cm de alto.
  • Peso: 416 g.
  • ISBN: 194264629.


Insight second edition provides rich, meaningful content to keep students motivated and involved, placing a deep engagement with contemporary issues at the heart of every lesson.

Print Student Book and 2 years' access to Online Practice and Student Resources. With the Student Book with Online Practice, learners use the Student Book to participate in class, and access Online Practice to continue learning outside of class, ideal for students who need to use print books in the classroom.

Insight second edition includes a powerful Assessment for Learning package to help propel learners forward. Lesson features, teacher's notes, and tests are focused on helping learners to continually reach for their goals, accelerate their progress, and go further with support for regular informal assessment and effective feedback.

Professional Development support is provided to get started with Insight second edition. Video tutorials to set up your course, access focus and position papers for expert advice and bite-sized guidance on key issues, and short professional development modules for an introduction to key methodologies for your course are available.

All digital course materials and resources are accessed via the Oxford English Hub - a launchpad for learning:

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• Edad recomendada: de 14 años a 99 años.

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