
Masonic Symbolism Of The Five-pointed Star, De Chalmers Izett Paton. Editorial Kessinger Publishing, Tapa Dura En Inglés

  • Tapa del libro: Dura
  • Libro.
  • Dimensiones: 178 mm de ancho x 254 mm de alto.
  • ISBN: 09781169181090.


Delve into the esoteric world of Freemasonry with "Masonic Symbolism of the Five-Pointed Star" by Chalmers Izett Paton. This hardcover edition, published by Kessinger Publishing, offers a profound exploration of the iconic pentagram and its significance within Masonic tradition and rituals. Written in the universal language of English, this book transcends cultural boundaries, inviting readers of all ages, from the curious neophyte to the seasoned scholar, to discover the hidden meanings behind one of the most recognizable symbols in Masonic lore. With a recommended age range from 0 to 100 years, it promises to be an enlightening read for anyone interested in the symbolic language that has shrouded Freemasonry in mystery for centuries. This tome, devoid of augmented reality features, focuses on delivering a pure and traditional reading experience, ensuring that the wisdom contained within its pages remains untainted and authentic.

Aviso legal
• Edad recomendada: de 0 años a 100 años.

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