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Milkman - Faber & Faber *man Booker Prize 2018* - Burns, Anna, De Burns, Anna. Editorial Faber & Faber En Inglés, 2018

  • Género: Novel.
  • Novela.
  • ISBN: 09780571338757.



Milkman is extraordinary. It's a novel that combines elements of fear, humor, cunning, and joy. Lisa McInerney, author of The Glorious Heresies, praises its prose and the experience of reading it aloud.

Set in an unnamed city where being interesting can be perilous, the story follows our protagonist, middle sister, as she navigates her personal life. She strives to conceal her maybe-boyfriend from her mother and to keep the community unaware of her encounter with Milkman. However, her efforts attract unwanted attention when her first brother-in-law becomes suspicious, and rumors begin to circulate. Suddenly, middle sister finds herself in the spotlight, a place fraught with danger.

Milkman is a narrative about the power of silence, the weight of inaction, and the impact of being the subject of gossip. It explores the consequences of becoming noteworthy in a society where that can lead to perilous outcomes.

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