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Peru Map Guide - Julian De Dios, De Julián De Dios. Editorial Dedios En Inglés

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  • ISBN: 09789871551064.
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Peru Map Guide - Julian De Dios
Julián de Dios
Editorial del libro

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    Hola cómo estás? es una guía de viaje? graciasDenunciar
    Hola ALMA7489189, te dejamos la Reseña de la guía, está en inglés: 100 must sites of Peru, including historical sites, towns, cities, national parks, beaches and other natural attractions. The Nazca Lines, Iquitos, the Kuelap Fortress, Kuntur Huasi, the cities of Lima, Ayacucho and Arequipa, among some other important places. Maps of all the country and cities of Lima and Cusco. Besides, a Machu Picchu plan with the main references of its areas. Inca Trail Circuit and the Incas¿ ancient culture most important places. Calendar with a detailed explanation of the main religious celebrations around all the country. Tourist map (scale 1 : 3.370.000) Saludos. Yenny - El Ateneo.